Sustainable Logging And The Lacey Act Amendment For Trees

Sustainable logging

Sustainable logging includes the logging and re-planting of trees in a responsible way, so that there are always more for the future. Sustainable logging is an excellent way of keeping a balance between logging trees and preserving trees for future needs.

The Lacey Act Amendment for Trees

The Lacey Act is an amendment associated with illegal trade in plants growing in natural conditions i.e. wildlife. According to the amendments to this law in 2008, the act of importing, exporting, transporting, selling, receiving, acquiring, or purchasing in foreign or interstate commerce any type of plant that violates the US laws is illegal. Whoever breaks the law will pay penalties. The new law requires a new declaration and affects manufacturers and exporters shipping different types of items made from wood to the US, such as plywood, flooring, lumber, furniture, paper and other wood products. We only deal with  suppliers who uphold the highest standards in regards to lumber quality and legal sourcing.

Illegal Under The Lacey Act

• Stealing of timber, which includes timber from protected areas and parks

• Logging without prior permission

• Acting against the harvesting regulations

• Failure to pay fees, taxes and royalties

The import of any plant product or covered plant without collecting a declaration form from Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection is illegal.

The Lacey Act And Wood Importers And Traders

The United States requires that wood importing in the USA should be done with a a government-issued declaration form.

1. Declaration has to be made before importing plants

2. It should contain: plant’s scientific name, import value, plant quantity, original country and the mean percent recycled material irrespective of the country of origin or species.

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